Homemart, has part­nered with some of na­tion’s blue-chip houses of brands

August 28, 2017

In an ef­fort to pro­vide con­sumers with the great­est se­lec­tion of the best con­struc­tion and home­wares prod­ucts, Homemart, has part­nered with some of na­tion’s blue-chip houses of brands, the likes of JAT, CIC, Char­ter­house, Soft­logic, Singer, Tokyo Ce­ment, Rhino Roof­ing, An­ton PVC, Orange, Kevil­ton, Watertech, Priyan­tha Distrib­u­tors, Phoenix, Mans Lanka, ACL, Mul­ti­lac, Ji­ne­sena, Delmege, Ke­lani, Har­ris, Laughs, DIMO, Reckitt Benckiser, 3M, and many more.